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Community List February 15-February 21; 17 Sh'vat-23 Sh'vat 5785

02/11/2025 02:58:57 PM


Birthdays: Talia Anisfeld, Denise Chaitkin, Michael Deheeger, Sabrina Deitch, Deena Fischer, Carrie Goldman, Alan Gratch, Sallie Gratch, Carol Hirsh Blechman, Victoria Landau, Alexa Levy, Helga Low-Harper, Allie Mendelson, Bonnie Rosenberg, Alan Saposnik, Ethan Schulkin, Landon Scott, Ruth Wenger, McKenzie Wilkes

Refuah Sheleymah, Healing Prayer List:  Gabriel Antolin, Leah Bass, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Paula Clark, Debora Crestoni, Gerry Davidson, Julie Dorfman, Mindy Ferber, Cantor Howard Friedland, Tamar Frolichstein-Appel, Arthur Gehr, Gary Goldblatt, Andra Gomberg, Robert Gotkin, Louis Hansen, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Katz, Marcy Lange, Brenda LaPorte, Renee Lebon, Jaime Leonard, Lisa Melnick, Dave Morck, Robert Olson, Jen Rogers, Alan Rubin, Malka Saletta, Tess Schmeig, Edwin Segal, Daniel Shain, Ian Silver, Abby Silverman, Alyssa Silverman, Luke Simmons, Joe Simonette, Jeff Sonin, Bob Tanner, Bruce Watson, Helen Widen, Emily Wood, Rachel Woods.

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.

Yahrzeit February 15 – February 21 / 17 Sh’vat – 23 Sh’vat 5785

Jeanne Alexenberg grandmother of Marty Rosenheck

Jessie Cunniff mother of Liz Ettinger

Eve Ellen Cutter mother of David Cutter

Mildred Danziger mother of Rita Kashner, grandmother of Megan Kashner

Molly DeMink sister of Mary Israelite

David Fields father of Jeremy Fields, grandfather of Loren Stillwell

Sadye Fleischer mother of Nancy Bellew

Lee Fleischer friend of Bob Tanner

Kenneth Goldblatt cousin of Beth Lange

Carol Horn aunt of Beth Lange

Doris Kane mother of Candace Tesler

Buddy Kulick uncle of Jonathan Markowitz

Helen Mailick Tulsky mother of Rick Tulsky

Daniel Mitchell brother of Becky Mitchell, uncle of Danny Zeckhauser

Nathan Niederman grandfather of Michael Niederman

Geraldine O'Keefe mother of Dennis O'Keefe

Mary O'Neil mother of Marie Davidson

Marjorie Present mother of Rhonda Present

Evelyn Pritsker mother of Arnold Pritsker

Samuel Schein father of Judy Cohen

Elaine Shapin sister of Paul Cetera

Gene Silver aunt of Barb Goodman

Rubin "Bob" Weiner father of Joel Weiner, grandfather of Alexa Dolinko

Susan Wolfson stepsister of John Bach

Rose Zaidspiner mother of Ann Avick

Condolences: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Melvin Mathias, a Holocaust survivor and U.S. Army Veteran, father of JRC member Linda Mathias Kaskel (Bruce Kaskel), grandfather of Beth Kaskel (Mike O'Neill), and great grandfather of Mason and Florence O'Neill. Melvin died Monday, February 10 at the age of 95. Funeral services will take place Tuesday, February 18, and Shiva will be held at JRC on Wednesday, February 19 from 4-8pm at JRC.

Fri, February 28 2025 30 Shevat 5785