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Community List February 8-14; 10 Sh'vat - 16 Sh'vat 5785

02/03/2025 01:23:34 PM


Birthdays: Riley Baer, Juliet Bromer, Harriet Conroe, Rei Cooper, Cameron Davis, Alyse Freilich, Tom Kenemore, Phyllis Kravitz, Rick Kulp, Levi Lapkus, Leah Marks, Ellie Mayer, Susan Nerlove, Noah Pechter, Carolyn Shapiro, Jacqui Shine, Julie Shufro, Rich Sperling, Sherry Strom

Refuah Sheleymah, Healing Prayer List:  Gabriel Antolin, Leah Bass, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Paula Clark, Debora Crestoni, Gerry Davidson, Julie Dorfman, Mindy Ferber, Cantor Howard Friedland, Tamar Frolichstein-Appel, Arthur Gehr, Gary Goldblatt, Andra Gomberg, Robert Gotkin, Louis Hansen, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Katz, Marcy Lange, Brenda LaPorte, Renee Lebon, Jaime Leonard, Lisa Melnick, Dave Morck, Robert Olson, Jen Rogers, Alan Rubin, Malka Saletta, Tess Schmeig, Edwin Segal, Daniel Shain, Ian Silver, Abby Silverman, Alyssa Silverman, Luke Simmons, Joe Simonette, Jeff Sonin, Bob Tanner, Bruce Watson, Helen Widen, Emily Wood.

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.

Yahrzeit February 8 – February 14 / 10 Sh’vat – 16 Sh’vat 5785

Richard Adams father of Luke Adams

Ruth Bach mother of John Bach

Esta Bernstein mother of Bob Bernstein

Sophie Kirshner Blender mother of Barbara Israelite, grandmother of Robert Israelite and Dan Israelite

Stephen Brooke father of Jon Brooke

Sandy Dalton cousin of Carol Hirsh Blechman

Estelle Ecker mother of Marilee Cole

Stanley Elman father of Dianne Elman

Klaus Fels uncle of Eva Eisenstein

Sarah Friedman grandmother of Lisa Joy Rosing

Seymour “Sy” Frolichstein father of Tamar Frolichstein-Appel

Herman W. Gruber father of Judy Gruber

Morley Hersh great uncle of Rick Friedman

Hannah Kashner mother-in-law of Rita Kashner, grandmother of Megan Kashner

Dorothy Katz mother of Nancy Katz

Shirley Lange aunt of Beth Lange and Robert Lange

Carolyn Levin mother of Jil Levin Deheeger, grandmother of Michael Deheeger

Jerry Manos brother-in-law of Sheila Meyer

Henriette Marcus grandmother of Julia Tauber

Herb Mendel uncle of Judy Mendel

Sol Mendelson grandfather of Carol Ellegant

Rachel Nussbaum mother of Carol Kanter

Margot Strauss Parke cousin of Sallie Gratch

Louis Repkin grandfather of Lisa Joy Rosing

Celia Adelston Riter grandmother of Carol Ellegant

Irving Rosen father of Richard Rosen

Dennis Saletta father of Meredith Fitzgibbons

Shirley Schechtman mother of Barbara Schechtman, grandmother of Sarah Schechtman-Thale

Ann Singer sister of Phoenix Singer

Charles Slattery husband of Ellen Slattery

Abe Smith grandfather of Rob Feldman

Fay Smith aunt of Freddi Greenberg

Betsy Spaeth mother of Susan Cherry

Julius Tabak grandfather of David Tabak

Benesch Thatch father of Rhoda Kamin

Feiga Veinschenker grandmother of David Tabak

Bernard Weinstein father of Fred Weinstein

Pearl Zaret aunt of Anne Goldberg

Fri, February 28 2025 30 Shevat 5785