Community List October 19-25 ; 17 Tishrei - 23 Tishrei 5785
10/16/2024 10:12:21 AM
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Birthdays: Luke Adams, Kyra Auslander, Jon Brooke, Judy Cohen, Vivien Eisenberg, Amy Eisenberg, Julie Englander, Lee Gundersheimer, Abby Harris-Ridker, Henry Mills, Wilma Nachsin, Reese Rappoport, Mila Rappoport, Ed Smolevitz, Jen Streicher, Diane Turner, Beth Versten, Alan Wachs, Nina Wallenberg
Anniversaries: Gerry & Marie Davidson, Bob Frech & Gail Katz-Frech, Diana & Rick Harris, Elise & Gregg Jaffe, Gregg & Alexis Levy, Joel Straus & Nancy Zwick
Refuah Sheleymah, Healing Prayer List: Gabriel Antolin, Leah Bass, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Jeff Berkson, Levana Bienstock, Dick Block, Jacob Cetera, Paula Clark, Marie Davidson, Mindy Ferber, Gary Goldblatt, Allan Goldman, Don Goldstein, Andra Gomberg, Robert Gotkin, Sharran Greenberg, Jen Greenstein, Louis Hansen, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Katz, David Kleiman, Judy Kochman, Phyllis Kravitz, Donna Krichiver, Marcy Lange, Brenda LaPorte, Renee Lebon, Jaime Leonard, Debra Fried Levin, Marga Levy, Charlotte Martin, Jeff Mazur, Lisa Melnick, Dave Morck, Robert Olson, Jen Rogers, Alan Rubin, Daniel Shain, Sue Shapiro, Tess Schmeig, Edwin Segal, Ian Silver, Abby Silverman, Alyssa Silverman, Luke Simmons, Joe Simonette, Jeff Sonin, Bob Tanner, Ruth Wenger, Emily Wood.
Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks
If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.
Yahrzeit October 19 – October 25 / 17 Tishrei – 23 Tishrei 5785
Sarah Bass grandmother of Rich Sperling, great grandmother of Becca Sperling
Theophilia Bloomfield grandmother of Julia Talbot
Sara Burstein cousin of Alisa Cohen-Stein
Mack Denis father of Marty Denis
Doris Friedman mother of Dan Friedman
Morris Goodman grandfather of Barb Goodman
Abraham Grodek uncle of Jorge Kurganoff
Fred Gronek grandfather of Natalie Blaser
Jack Heifitz father of Debbie Heifitz Porter
Martin Jolles father of Margie Jolles
Rose Kamin mother of Mike Kamin
Ben Lipsitz uncle of Heidi Levin
Baila Miller wife of Irv Miller
Sol Miller father of Irv Miller
Franz Otto Neubauer father of Carol Friedman
Jonathan Ophir uncle of Julia Tauber
Sarah Pollack great aunt of Mark Stein
Esther Rosenheck grandmother of Marty Rosenheck
Sara Segal mother of Patty Rubin
Ruth Sehr mother of Mike Sehr
Flora Stern mother of Marlene Stern
George Tulsky father of Rick Tulsky
Irving Wenger father of Ruth Wenger
Iola Zeckhauser aunt of Jim Zeckhauser, great aunt of Danny Zeckhauser
Nathan “Nat” Zivin father of Mark Zivin
Fri, February 28 2025
30 Shevat 5785
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