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Community Announcement May 4- May 10; 26 Nissan - 2 Iyyar 5784

04/30/2024 07:50:27 PM



Jeff Balch, Zachary Cutter, Gerald Davidson, Isaiah "Izzy" Deheeger, Alex Ellett, Dianne Elman, Sasha Friedman, Laurie Goldstein, Oren Grzych, Michael Kamin, Esther Kaplan, Beth Kaskel, Rich Katz, Vickie Korey, Jennifer Lieb, Jon Rosenblatt, Loren Stern, Isabel Straus, Rick Strilky, Howard Tenner


Sandy Sheinin & Alex Feller


Refuah Sheleymah, Healing Prayer List: 

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Gabriel Antolin, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Jose Angel Barrios, Leah Bass, Steve Bialer, Levana Bienstock, Wendy Carson, Paula Clark, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Julie Dorfman, Mindy Ferber, Beverly Fisher, Larry Goldberg, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Louis Hansen, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Katz, Donna Krichiver, Marcy Lange, Brenda LaPorte, Renee Lebon, Marga Levy, Charlotte Martin, Dave Morck, Nina Raskin, Phil Rosenberg, Alan Rubin, Ellie Rubinstein, Daniel Shain, Tess Schmeig, Edwin Segal, Barbara Shaw, Ian Silver, Abby Silverman, Jeff Sonin, Bob Tanner, Nan Temkin, Chaya Chana Tovah, Maisie Addison Weber, Emily Wood.

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.


Yahrzeit May 4 – May 10 / 26 Nissan – 2 Iyyar 5784

Emma Greenwald Block grandmother of Dick Block

Ethel Boltax aunt of Paulette Herbstman

Ronald Fenton father of Julie Fenton

Marvin Greenbaum husband of Phyllis Kravitz

Beatrice Gunther mother of Wendy Margolis

Alexander J. Kanter father of Arnold Kanter

Irving Kaplan father of Jackie Kaplan-Perkins

Elliot Lehman father of Paul Lehman

Alter Lejzerowicz father of Ruth Gilbert

Evelyn Levine mother of Laurie Levy, grandmother of Alissa Chung

Scott Merrill brother of Jeff Merrill

Gertrude Miller mother of Irving Miller

Norten Rappoport grandfather of Jon Rappoport

Victor Rubinson grandfather of Ann Dolinko

Arthur Shufro father of Julie Shufro

Gene Stallard father of Kelly Stallard

Joel Voelzke brother of Rebecca Hamlin

David Waintroob grandfather of Anne Wildman



We are sad to announce the death of Nadine Menacker, mother of JRC member Rebecca Stern (Spencer Stern), grandmother of Dakota, Gabriel, and Kai Stern. Nadine died Tuesday, April 30th and a memorial service will be held in the future.

Tue, July 2 2024 26 Sivan 5784