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Community Announcement January 27 - February 02; 17 Sh'vat - 23 Sh'vat 5784

01/24/2024 10:38:18 AM


Birthday: Text direction from right to left

Caitlyn “Cat” Bisgrove, Michelle Cutler, Jayne Daniel, Michael Edwards, Andrew Feingold-Fisher, Mindy Ferber, Linda Mathias Kaskel, Fran Landt, Jack Lapat, Edward Michael, Mark Miller, Martin Monahan, Danielle Rappoport, Jeffrey Rose, Stephen Spear, Marlene Stern, Caleb Streicher, Elliot Young.


Barbara & Jerry Israelite.

Refuah Sheleymah: 

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Gabriel Antolin, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Jose Angel Barrios, Leah Bass, Steve Bialer, Levana Bienstock, Wendy Carson, Sandy Casper, Paula Clark, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Mindy Ferber, Beverly Fisher, Sallie Gratch, Larry Goldberg, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Louis Hansen, Linda Haase, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Katz,  Donna Krichiver, Lior Laila mibeit Avraham vSarah, Marcy Lange, Brenda LaPorte, Renee Lebon, Marga Levy, Elena Lindstrom, Charlotte Martin, Dave Morck, Nina Raskin, Joan Rosen, Linda Rosenberg, Alan Rubin, Tess Schmeig, Edwin Segal, Barbara Shaw, Jeff Sonin, Bob Tanner, Nan Temkin, Chaya Chana Tovah, Eda Warren, Maisie Addison Weber.

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.


Yahrzeit January 27 – February 02 / 17 Sh'vat  – 23 Sh'vat 5784

Jeanne Alexenberg grandmother of Marty Rosenheck

Sophie Kirshner Blender mother of Barbara Israelite, grandmother of Dan Israelite and Robert Israelite

Jessie Cunniff mother of Liz Ettinger

Eve Ellen Cutter mother of David Cutter, mother in law of Julie Cutter

Mildred Danziger mother of Rita Kashner, grandmother of Megan Kashner

Doris Kane mother of Candace Tesler

Buddy Kulick uncle of Jonathan Markowitz

Sam Lake grandfather of Danny Greene

Helen Mailick Tulsky mother of Rick Tulsky

Nathan Niederman grandfather of Michael Niederman

Geraldine O'Keefe mother of Dennis O'Keefe

Mary O'Neil mother of Marie Davidson

Sidney Parker uncle of Terri Bernsohn

Marjorie Present mother of Rhonda Present

Evelyn Pritsker mother of Arnold Pritsker

William Richman father of Ruth Richman

Carol Rosenberg mother of Phil Rosenberg

Samuel Schein father of Judy Cohen

Elaine Shapin sister of Paul Cetera

Gene Silver aunt of Barb Goodman

Rubin “Bob” Weiner father of Joel Weiner, father in law of Ann Dolinko

Susan Wolfson stepsister of John Bach

Rose Zaidspiner mother of Ann Avick


Pearl Korey, mother of Irv Korey, mother in law of Vickie Korey, passed away on Friday, January 19th at the age of 93. Pearl was a grandmother to 4 and a great grandmother to 9. Donations can be made to World Central Kitchen or Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation.





Tue, July 2 2024 26 Sivan 5784