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Community Announcement September 9 - September 15; 23 Elul-29 Elul 5783

09/04/2023 01:23:43 PM



Julie Amromin, David Beazley, Matt Cohen, Maya Escobar, Daniel Friedman, Paulette Herbstman, Eunji Kim, Phyllis Levun-Agostino, Atticus Rosenback, Katie Segall, Sheri Young


Judith Gruber & Dijay Castillon, Stuart Chanen & Julie Fenton, Rebecca Hamlin & Robert Bearman

Refuah Sheleymah: 

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Gabriel Antolin, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Damian de Leon Barrios, Estefania de Leon Barrios, Ivan de Leon, Jose Angel Barrios, Leah Bass, Steve Bialer, Jim Block, Esther Kimelman-Block, Joseph Bornstein, Wendy Carson, Sandy Casper, Bonnie Chakravorty, Paula Clark, Steve Clarke, Matt Cole, Debra Crestoni, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Mindy Ferber, Beverly Fisher, Stephen Galston, Larry Goldberg, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Linda Haase, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Ken Kander, Donna Krichiver, Marcy Lange, Brenda LaPorte, Renee Lebon, Marga Levy, Elena Lindstrom, Charlotte Martin, Elaine Michaels, Perry Miller, Dave Morck, Iden Bernstein Nowlin, Nina Raskin, Linda Rosenberg, Tess Schmeig, Edwin Segal, Barbara Shaw, Becker Sherman, Joe Simonette, Jeff Sonin, Nat Spaeth, Bob Tanner, Nan Temkin, Chaya Chana Tovah, Eda Warren, Maisie Addison Weber, Lou Weiss, Violet Wolfman, Rachel Woods.

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.


Yahrzeit September 9 – September 15 / 23 Elul – 29 Elul 5783

Larry Chernoff uncle of Carol Hirsh Blechman

Buena Cohen grandmother of Howard Cohen

Howard Coles stepfather of Loren Stern

Pinkus Ehrlich grandfather of Lisa Ehrlich-Menard

Gunter Eisenmann uncle of Darlene Grossman

Sharlene Garfield mother of Joey Garfield

Nat Ginsberg grandfather of Terri Bernsohn

Babette Hirsch mother of Bill Hirsch

Steven J. Hirsh brother of Carol Hirsh Blechman

Joel Ingel uncle of Edwin Getz

Beatrice Israelite mother of Gerald Israelite, grandmother of Dan Israelite and Robert Israelite

Eli Karsh brother of Joshua Karsh

Lois Lasky mother of Monica Lasky

Albert Levin father of Heidi Levin

Irving H Levy brother-in-law of Rhita Lippitz

Tom Mitchell father of Becky Mitchell and grandfather of Danny Zeckhauser

Michael Oshins brother of Bonnie Nolan

Montez Rideout Perkins grandmother of Ann Kaplan-Perkins

Madeleine Rosenbaum aunt of Joseph Eppstein

Sam Rubert father of Linda Cosby and Bonnie Lucas

Eleanor C. Segall mother of Ralph Segall and grandmother of Andrew Segall

Sandra Singer mother of Phoenix Singer

Edith Trilling mother of Robin Trilling

Marianne Wallenberg mother of Danny Wallenberg

Ilene Aronson Harris Wolf mother of Rick Harris

Eileen Young mother of Elliot Young

Miriam Zvolner mother of Stephen Zvolner



It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Ellen Romano, dear friend of JRC member, Betsy Fuchs, who died on September 5.

Thu, July 4 2024 28 Sivan 5784