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Community Announcement September 2 - September 8; 16 Elul-22 Elul 5783

08/29/2023 02:21:22 PM



Steve Bialer, Rich Cahan, Julie Dorfman, Gonzalo Escobar, Domenica Frenzel, Tamar Frolichstein-Appel, Elisheva Hawley, Bruce Koff, Laurie Levy, Phoenix Singer, Sandy Sloane, Eli Spector, Kate Spector, Joe Stillwell, Pamela Young


Mark Zivin & Margie Morrison Zivin, Michael Edwards & Melissa Mizel, Diana & Jim McNelis, Laurie Goldstein & Jon Marshall, Michelle Cohen & Sam Mordka, David & Debi Lewis, Dennis & Julie Urow, Michelle & Deborah Feingold-Fisher, Rob & Val Weiss, Tracy Hultgren & Sandy Spatz, Luke Adams & Nicki Bazer, Eli & Hannah Shearn, Heather Heiman & Stephen Persell

Refuah Sheleymah: 

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Gabriel Antolin, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Damian de Leon Barrios, Estefania de Leon Barrios, Ivan de Leon, Jose Angel Barrios, Leah Bass, Steve Bialer, Jim Block, Esther Kimelman-Block, Joseph Bornstein, Wendy Carson, Sandy Casper, Bonnie Chakravorty, Paula Clark, Steve Clarke, Matt Cole, Debra Crestoni, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Mindy Ferber, Beverly Fisher, Stephen Galston, Larry Goldberg, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Linda Haase, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Donna Krichiver, Marcy Lange, Brenda LaPorte, Renee Lebon, Marga Levy, Elena Lindstrom, Charlotte Martin, Elaine Michaels, Perry Miller, Dave Morck, Iden Bernstein Nowlin, Nina Raskin, Linda Rosenberg, Tess Schmeig, Edwin Segal, Barbara Shaw, Becker Sherman, Joe Simonette, Jeff Sonin, Nat Spaeth, Bob Tanner, Nan Temkin, Chaya Chana Tovah, Eda Warren, Maisie Addison Weber, Lou Weiss, Violet Wolfman, Rachel Woods.

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.


Yahrzeit September 2 – September 8 / 16 Elul – 22 Elul 5783

Miriam Avick mother of Ken Avick

Jeffrey Avick brother of Ken Avick

Bertrum Barg uncle of Marla Baker

Ilene Bass mother of Mollie Bass and sister-in-law of Adrienne Lieberman

Harold Blechman uncle of Joel Blechman

Emma Greenwald Block grandmother of Dick Block

Ruth England mother of Dianne Sperling and grandmother of Becca Sperling

Ethel Epstein aunt of Nancy Delman

Hyman Horn grandfather of Robert Lange and Beth Lange

Anne Lee Kramer mother of Darlene Grossman

Paulee Lipsman cousin of Robert Lange and Beth Lange

Agnes Bloch Neubauer grandmother of Carol Friedman

David Pepperberg husband of Audrey Eisenmann

Zyskind Pergricht loved one of Shari Pergricht

Al Rasher father of Steve Rasher

Irwin Schiffman father of David Schiffman

Heinz Wallenberg father of Danny Wallenberg

Ann Zeidman cousin of Carol Hirsh Blechman

Thu, July 4 2024 28 Sivan 5784