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Community Announcement August 12 - August 18; 25 Av - 2 Elul 5783

08/09/2023 09:59:58 AM



John Bach, Julie Cutter, Madelynn Hausman, Judith Helzner, Rhoda Kamin, Diane Pezanoski, Ed Reiff, Matt Rosenberg, Edie Rubinowitz, Lauren Sklar, Eliana Sklar, Corey Stern, Danny Zeckhauser


Jonathan Markowitz & Ruth Wenger, Alvin & Kate Spector, Diane & Michael Bloom, Juliet Bromer & Joshua Hauser, Lisa Gotkin & Loren Stern

Refuah Sheleymah: 

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Shelli Anderson, Gabriel Antolin, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Damian de Leon Barrios, Estefania de Leon Barrios, Ivan de Leon, Jose Angel Barrios, Leah Bass, Steve Bialer, Jim Block, Esther Kimelman-Block, Joseph Bornstein, Wendy Carson, Sandy Casper, Bonnie Chakravorty, Paula Clark, Steve Clarke, Matt Cole, Debra Crestoni, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Mindy Ferber, Beverly Fisher, Stephen Galston, Larry Goldberg, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Linda Haase, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Donna Krichiver, Marcy Lange, Brenda LaPorte, Renee Lebon, Elena Lindstrom, Charlotte Martin, Elaine Michaels, Perry Miller, Dave Morck, Iden Bernstein Nowlin, Nina Raskin, Linda Rosenberg, Tess Schmeig, Edwin Segal, Barbara Shaw, Becker Sherman, Joe Simonette, Jeff Sonin, Nat Spaeth, Bob Tanner, Nan Temkin, Chaya Chana Tovah, Eda Warren, Maisie Addison Weber, Lou Weiss, Rachel Woods.

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.


Yahrzeit August 12 – August 18 / 25 Av –  2 Elul 5783

Jack Chinitz father of Marc Chinitz

Adam Emanuel Cohen son of Julian Cohen and Elise Cohen, brother of Gabe Cohen, Saul Cohen, and Isaac Cohen

Neville Cohen cousin of Ed Getz

Elaine Cohen mother of Cynthia Goldstone

Cameron Daniel father-in-law of Jayne Daniel

Samuel Freidberg grandfather of Esther Kaplan

Shaindel Freidberg grandmother of Esther Kaplan

Alan Friedlander father of Laura Friedlander

Barbara Frye aunt of Judith Helzner

Judah Getz grandfather of Ed Getz

Martha Goldner mother of Francie Niederman and mother in law of Michael Niederman

Arthur Goldner brother of Francie Niederman

Carol Goodman father of Barb Goodman

Beverly Kaffen Fisher grandmother of Deborah Feingold-Fisher

Mary Powitz aunt of Charlene Gelber

Irving Ross stepfather of Ruth Gilbert

Hyman Silverman father of Ron Silverman

Lillian Aunt Rust" Simon" great aunt of Larry Goldberg

Mary Singer grandmother of Vickie Korey

Edward Sutker brother of Sharon Sutker McGowan

Pedro Tenner father of Howard Tenner

Pauline Thurston grandmother-in-law of Esther Kaplan

Julius Turk uncle of Bonnie Silverman

Sarah Beth Weinberg sister of Max Weinberg

Alan Weiner husband of Wendy Weiner

Daniel Weiner loved one of Wendy Weiner

Howard Weiner brother-in-law of Wendy Weiner

Clara Wishner grandmother of David Tabak

Marianne Wishner aunt of David Tabak

Thu, July 4 2024 28 Sivan 5784