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Community Announcement  July 16- July 22; 17 Tammuz - 23 Tammuz 5782

07/14/2022 10:20:22 AM



Ronna Baron, Ryan Blitstein, Elena Bloom, Susan Brooke, Shoshanna Cavataio, Lina D'Aurelio, Denise Eichhorn, Deborah Feingold-Fisher, Beth Gladstein, Emily Goldin, Jonathan Goldman, Frank Hill, Ida-Rose Hirsch, Louis Lapat, Juan Lobin Schwartz, Antonio Mangiullo, Brenda Mindock, Michael Okrent, Lisa Pevtzow, James Ridker, Margaret Romm, Levi Rosing, Jemma Scherberg, Paula Steiner, Spencer Stern, Janet Wishinsky



Fernando and Lisa Herranz, Burak Atagun & Yael Kurganoff


Refuah Sheleymah:  

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks


Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Leah Bass, Steve Bialer, Esther Kimelman-Block, Diane Blumensaadt, Dick Bolotin, Joseph Bornstein, Elana Brown, Steve Brownstein, Wendy Carson, Sandy Casper, Bonnie Chakravorty, Steve Clarke, Matt Cole, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Stephen Dumser, Howard Ellegant, Levi Elsberg, Marsha Ettema, Mindy Ferber, Beverly Fisher, John Fitzgibbons, Sophie Gardner, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Linda Haase, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Kaiser, Jeffrey Kaiser, Ryan Kaplan, Kimberly Sukalski Klein, Fran Landt, Marcy Lange, Renee Lebon, Ruth Levy, Elena Lindstrom, Roy Lloyd, Gideon Low, Charlotte Martin, Chuck Meier, Perry Miller, Dave Morck, Iden Bernstein Nowlin, Chris Paluch, Jackie Ginsburg Pangilinan, Debbie Heifitz Porter, Nina Raskin, Lorrie Roche, Jason Schmeig, Dylan Segall, Michael Sehr, Barbara Shaw, Becker Sherman, Kate Siegel, Jeff Sonin, Lou Sukalski, Renee Sylvestre, Andrea Waintroob, Eda Warren, Maisie Addison Weber, Will Witte, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood, Zeck Zeckhauser



If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.


Yahrzeit July 16 – July 22 / 17 Tammuz – 23 Tammuz 5782

Michael Dion Bonner fiance of Rebecca Spivack

Else Lowenstein Dreifus grandmother of Carol Friedman

Samuel Leonard Eidinger father of Ellie Routtenberg

Mark Ferdinand father of Pamela Ferdinand

Susan Frolichstein mechutonim of Beverly Fisher and David Fisher

Susan Frolichstein mother of Tamar Frolichstein-Appel, mother-in-law of Elliot Frolichstein-Appel and grandmother of Nathaniel Frolichstein-Appel

Ruth Gonzer mother of Harriet Conroe

Clarabelle Lake grandmother of Daniel Greene

Laurence Lasky father of Monica Lasky

Edward Martin brother of Judy Martin

Edward Melnick father of Bennett Melnick

Elaine Morrison mother of Margie Morrison Zivin

Alicia Attias Murciano mother of Elias Murciano

Alex Okrent son of Michael Okrent

Sam Pinzur father of David Pinzur and Sue Rasher and grandfather of Laura Weiss

J Donald Seeley father of Don Seeley

Evelyn Strauss mother of Diane Turner

Harry Strauss Jr. father of Diane Turner

Kristofer Voorhees friend of Aaron Vague



It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Elisheva Smith, beloved sister of JRC Member Chava Nachmias (Marlene Stern) and aunt of JRC member Talia Nachmias Anisfeld.

Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785