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Community Announcement December 4 - December 10, 2021; 30 Kislev - 6 Tevet 5782

12/02/2021 10:45:29 AM



Ari Adams, Talia Berger-White, Michael Bloom, Jeremy Elsberg, Henry Feller, Joel Gratch, Robert Jaffe, Leonard Kaplan, Noa Killian, Jorge Kurganoff, Frances Levy, Oz Lieb, Siobhan Monahan, Dennis O'Keefe, Rebecca Osborn, Ruth Richman, Irene Rozansky, Len Servedio, Susan Stone, Olivia Walker, Zion Walker, Max Weinberg, Elodie Witenberg



No Anniversary!


Refuah Sheleymah:

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks


Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Leah Bass, Jacob Blake, Esther Kimelman-Block, Dick Bolotin, Joseph Bornstein, Wendy Carson, Sandy Casper, Bonnie Chakravorty, Steve Clarke, Matt Cole, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Emmett Dupont, Howard Ellegant, Marsha Ettema, Beverly Fisher, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Barbara Harris, Laura Holzinger, Sara Hymowitz, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Kaiser, Jeffrey Kaiser, Kimberly Sukalski Klein, Fran Landt, Skip Landt, Pat Lane, Marcy Lange, Renee Lebon, Hope Levav, Ruth Levy, Roy Lloyd, Perry Miller, Dave Morck, Iden Bernstein Nowlin, Chris Paluch, Jackie Ginsburg Pangilinan, Lorrie Roche, Rebecca Rubin, Aviva Sandler, Jason Schmeig, Dylan Segall, Debbie Shapiro, Barbara Shaw, Becker Sherman, Jeff Sonin, Lou Sukalski, Eda Warren, Maisie Addison Weber, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood



If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.


Yahrzeit December 4 – December 10 / 30 Kislev – 6 Tevet 5782

Esther Berger grandmother of Juliet Berger-White

Laura Berkeley mother of Jill Berkeley

Mark Bloom grandfather of Mark Stein

Charles Britt father of Carolyn Block

Mayer Channon father of Mitchell Channon

David Channon brother of Mitchell Channon

Eileen Chinsky grandmother of Danielle Rappoport

David Chinsky grandfather of Danielle Rappoport

Boris Ellison uncle of Jordan Ellison

Annette Engelhardt mother of Karen Engelhardt

Mirriam Fogel aunt of Judy Mendel

Isadore Fogel uncle of Judy Mendel

Cecelia Goldberg sister of Anne Goldberg

Laurie Hultgren Hoffmeier sister of Tracy Hultgren

Paul Holmgren grandfather of Sean Collins-Stapleton

Zel Holzman grandfather of Mark Stein

Shirley Kaplan mother of Susan Kaplan

Ralph Leviton stepfather of Emily Harris, step-father-in-law of James Ridker and step-grandfather of Matthew Harris-Ridker

Leon Lewis grandfather of Laura Friedlander

Martin Margolis grandfather of Alisha Vincent

David Miller loved one of Beverly Friend

Leon Rosenthal uncle of Esther Kaplan

Eileen Sloane mother of Sandy Sloane

Henry Wishinsky father of Fran Landt and Janet Wishinsky

Beyla Zaretsky grandmother of Julie Amromin

Sari Zarov grandmother of Jeff Berger-White

Amy Zeckhauser mother of Jim Zeckhauser and grandmother of Daniel Zeckhauser



It is with sadness that we note the recent passing of Kay Friedman, mother of Rick Friedman (Carol), grandmother of Aaron (Elisha), Gabriel (Thúy-Lan Võ Lite), and Daniel (Kiandokht Amiri), and great grandmother to Zev, Rose, and Levi.

It is with sadness that we note the recent passing of David J. Bromer, beloved father of Juliet Bromer (Joshua Hauser), grandfather of Jonathan and Emily Hauser.

It is with sadness that we note the recent passing of Ron Kochman, beloved father of Kim Moldofsky (Brad Moldofsky), grandfather of Ethan Moldofsky and grandfather of Isaac Moldofsky, of blessed memory.

It is with sadness that we note the recent passing of Fernando Abonce-Tenorio, brother-in-law of Miguel Abonce.

Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785