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Community Announcement October 9 - October 15, 2021; 3 Cheshvan - 9 Cheshvan 5782

10/07/2021 09:39:05 AM



Wanda Bernadette Allen-Harrah, Devorah Buzil, Pavel Fishkin, Nancy Goldberg, Judy Holstein, Bob Holstein, Arnold Kanter, Thomas Kenemore, Rick Kulp, Deborah Lewis, Melissa Mizel, Robert Nachman, Sheila Nissim, Rory Noll, Jens Plum, Sara Polonsky, Don Seeley, Brian Septon, Tyler Spence, Dianne Sperling, Julia Vincent, Fred Wellisch



Arnold & Sue Ginsburg, Mitchell Channon & Bruce Koff, Jeff Balch & Dori Conn, Lisa Barbe & Avram Eisen, Rabbi David & Jennie Eber, Kelly & Stefani Stallard


Refuah Sheleymah:

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks


Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Leah Bass, Jacob Blake, Esther Kimelman-Block, Dick Bolotin, Joseph Bornstein, Wendy Carson, Sandy Casper, Bonnie Chakravorty, Steve Clarke, Matt Cole, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Howard Ellegant, Marsha Ettema, Beverly Fisher, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Barbara Harris, Laura Holzinger, Sara Hymowitz, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Kaiser, Jeffrey Kaiser, Kimberly Sukalski Klein, Fran Landt, Skip Landt, Pat Lane, Marcy Lange, Arlene Lehman, Hope Levav, Ruth Levy, Roy Lloyd, Sherrie Mack, Dave Morck, Iden Bernstein Nowlin, Jackie Ginsburg Pangilinan, David Present, Lorrie Roche, Rabbi Francine Roston, Rebecca Rubin, Aviva Sandler, Jason Schmeig, Dylan Segall, Debbie Shapiro, Barbara Shaw, Becker Sherman, Lou Sukalski, Eda Warren, Maisie Addison Weber, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood



If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.


Yahrzeit October 9 – October 15 / 3 Cheshvan – 9 Cheshvan 5782

Fran Asher grandmother of Jeff Berger-White

Abram Avrukh father of Nellie Fishkin and grandfather of Julie Amromin

Monty Cohen grandfather of Edwin Getz

Edoardo Crestoni father of Debra Crestoni

Bernard Eichhorn father of Denise Eichhorn

Sam Feiner uncle of Barry Winkler

Samuel Gelber father of Howard Gelber

Carl Gladstein father of Michael Gladstein

Rena Glassoff grandmother of Bruce Kaskel and great grandmother  of Beth Kaskel

Goldyne Heyman grandmother of Tamar Frolichstein-Appel and Michael Frolichstein

Sarah Koltenuk grandmother of Danielle Rappoport

Maxine Lange mother of Beth Lange and Robert Lange

Chuck Lange father of Beth Lange and Robert Lange

Velma Elizabeth Lubaski grandmother of Debra Crestoni

Adrienne Mathias stepmother of Linda Mathias Kaskel

Allan Niederman father of Michael Niederman

William H. O'Keefe father of Dennis O'Keefe

Herbert Rosing father of Howard Rosing and father in law of Lisa Joy Rosing

Minnie Rubin mother of Rebecca Rubin

Roger Seip father of Craig Weinberg

Becky Sperling great grandmother of Becca Sperling

Eleanor W. Thuringer mother of Nancy Segall

Eulene Wachs mother of Alan Wachs

Jack Weiner father-in-law of Wendy Weiner

Philip Zoloto father of Suzanne Cohen

Hyman Zvolner father of Stephen Zvolner


Death Notice:

It is with sadness that we note the recent passing of Sara Cohn, wife of Stan Cohn, mother of Rachel (Andrew Ash) and Jacob, and grandmother of Aryeh.

It is with sadness that we note the recent passing of Al Weiss, brother of Lou Weiss and uncle of Rabbi Rachel Weiss .


Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785