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Community Announcements June 6 - June 12, 2020; 14 Sivan - 20 Sivan 5780

06/02/2020 03:59:03 PM



Kenneth Avick, Zephyr Balch, David Burns, Russell Cloud, Sadie Finan, Jessica Frolichstein, Jacob Goldstein, Judy Gruber, Brian Hamer, Carole Kagan, Levi Newman-Givens, Rory Nutkevitch, Rebecca Rubin, David Schiffman, Cleo Segall, Sandra Sheinin, Peter Silverman, David Tabak, Michaela Teweles, Aaron Vague, Danny Wallenberg, Bruce Watson, Adan Wells-Escobar



Bonnie & Neal Rubin, Dave Skora & Lorraine Woos, Howard & Lisa Joy Rosing, Daniel & Misty Witenberg, Adam & Jen Jaffe, Benjamin & Madaliene Schalet, Elise Martel Cohen & Julian Cohen, Marjorie Jolles & Matthew Pearson


Refuah Sheleymah:

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Suzanne Berkson, Steve Clarke, Leah Bass, Becky Block, Bonnie Chakravorty, Sara Cohn, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Norman Ferber, Beverly Fisher, Susie Frolichstein, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Barbara Harris, Scott Hillman, Laura Holzinger, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Kaiser, Jeffrey Kaiser, Irv Kaplan, Kimberly Sukalski Klein, Pat Lane, Marcy Lange, Mark Malbone, Sherrie Mack, Susan Mogerman, Dave Morck, Karen Ophir, Jackie Ginsburg Pangilinan, Marjorie Present, Jason Schmeig, Barbara Shaw, Lou Sukalski, Edith Trilling, Eda Warren, Jan Wishinsky, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.


Yahrzeit June 6 – June 12 / 14 Sivan – 20 Sivan 5780

Ida Bergen grandmother of Kathy Raffetto

Reabelle Dragul Braverman Emdin cousin of Dick Block

Stuart Chernoff cousin of Carol Hirsh Blechman

Sidney Gluck father of Cookie Gluck

Howard Goodkind uncle of Emily Harris and great uncle of Abby Harris-Ridker

Roz Haskell friend of Beverly Friend

Louise Herzfeld mother of Val Weiss

Helga Kay grandmother of Robbyn Singer

Samuel Leff grandfather of Heidi Levin

Issie Levine brother of Bryna Cytrynbaum

Maurie Lovinger father of Gail Lovinger-Goldblatt

Rolland Metzger uncle of Betsy Fuchs

Betty Orlansky great aunt of Becca Sperling

Joel Repkin father of Lisa Joy Rosing

Herb Rosen father of Ellen Rosen-Kaplan

Susi Ruth Rosenbusch mother of Miriam Rosenbusch

Leslie Schwartzman dear friend of Ina Winston

Rosamond Selzer mother of Wilma Nachsin

Deyanna Sutton daughter of David Sutton

Irving Yelenik father of Nancy Goldberg


Condolances to Bryna Cytrynbaum for the loss of her beloved brother Issie Levine, to David Tabak and family for the loss of his beloved brother-in-law Rick Wealin

Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785