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Community Announcements April 18-April 24, 2020; 24-30 Nisan 5780

04/14/2020 04:39:53 PM



Eva Baer, Susan Cherry, Christine DuffyLevy, Jonah Gross, Raymon Grossman, Adam Jaffe, Lena Kramer, Ezra Lapkus, William Levine, Melvin Lopata, Jonathan Marshall, Patty Rubin, Neal Rubin, Hannah Shearn, Aviva Stein



Cynthia & James Goldstone, David Hellman & Paula Steiner, Cece Lobin & Jay Schwartz, Jim O'Grady & Merrill Wilk


Refuah Sheleymah:

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks


Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Suzanne Berkson, Steve Clarke, Leah Bass, Bonnie Chakravorty, Sara Cohn, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Norman Ferber, Beverly Fisher, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Barbara Harris, Scott Hillman, Laura Holzinger, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Kaiser, Jeffrey Kaiser, Irv Kaplan, Kimberly Sukalski Klein, Mercedes Baker-Kulp, Pat Lane, Marcy Lange, Mark Malbone, Sherrie Mack, Susan Mogerman, Dave Morck, Karen Ophir, Jackie Ginsburg Pangilinan, Marjorie Present, Jason Schmeig, Ann Schmidt, Barbara Shaw, Lou Sukalski, Edith Trilling, Eda Warren, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood.


If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.


Yahrzeit April 18-24 / 24 Nisan - 30 Nisan 5780

Ronald Fenton father of Julie Fenton

Samuel M. Frank father of Helen Widen

Paul Frentzel-Beyme father of Helga Low-Harper and grandfather of Josh Low

Leonard Fuchs father of Betsy Fuchs

Beth Jacoby Deitch wife of Ron Deitch

Alexander J. Kanter father of Arnie Kanter

Elliot Lehman father of Paul Lehman

Alter Lejzerowicz father of Ruth Gilbert

Evelyn Levine mother of Laurie Levy and grandmother of Alissa Chung

Chester Levinson father of Barbara Silverman

Blanche Aronin Lippitz mother-in-law of Rhita Lippitz and grandmother of Lori Lippitz

Vivian D. Miller mother of Jon Miller

Sarah Millman grandmother of Cheryl Simon

Richard Pelletier father of Yehuda Jacobi

Michael Pleshette father of Liz Pleshette

Claire Raphael mother of Suzie Berkson

Norten Rappoport grandfather of Jon Rappoport

Victor Rubinson grandfather of Ann Dolinko

Arthur Shufro father of Julie Shufro

Eddie Zaban uncle of Marilyn Leboy  


Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785