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Community Announcements July 20 - July 26

07/15/2019 12:19:08 PM


Birthdays and Anniversaries

Birthdays:    Elena Bloom, Susan Brooke, Saul Cohen, Sheila Cohen, Katie Dealy, Denise Eichhorn, Deborah Feingold-Fisher, Beth Gladstein, James Goldstone, Adam Gooze, Miles Granjean, Ida-Rose Hirsch, William Homer, Louis Lapat, Daniel Levin, Juan Lobin Schwartz, Michael Okrent, Abigail Persell, Nina Raskin, Levi Rosing, Vicki Seglin, Lincoln Spence, Sharon Sutker McGowan, Janet Wishinsky, Jim Zeckhauser

Anniversaries:    Mel & Sherry Lopata, Marc Chinitz & Lori Lippitz Chinitz, Alissa & Jin-Ho Chung, Jennifer Weiser & David Williams, Tracy Teweles & Chris deBraw, Jennifer Rozenberg & Jennifer Tchao

Refuah Sheleymah

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Ellen Alexander, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Suzanne Berkson, Steve Clarke, Leah Bass, Bonnie Chakravorty, Sara Cohn, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Annette Englehardt, Norman Ferber, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Barbara Harris, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Julian Kessinger, Kimberly Sukalski Klein, Pat Lane, Marcy Lange, Mark Malbone, Sherrie Mack, Susan Mogerman, Karen Ophir,  Michael Oshins, Jackie Ginsburg Pangilinan,  Ann Schmidt, Barbara Shaw, Michael Simon, Lou Sukalski, Tinok Bat Moriah Temima,  Martha Tonn, Edith Trilling, Eda Warren, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood, Jim Zeckhauser.

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.

Yahrzeits July 20 - 26

17 - 23 Tammuz 5779

Henry O. Altenberg father of Karen Libman

Michael Dion Bonner fiance of Rebecca Spivack

Ron Corey father of Josh Corey

Joseph "Josh" Cytrynbaum son of Bryna Cytrynbaum, husband of Erin Cytrynbaum

Richard Deluca cousin of Yehuda Jacobi

Else Lowenstein Dreifus grandmother of Carol Friedman

Samuel Leonard Eidinger father of Ellie Routtenberg

Ruth Gonzer mother of Harriet Conroe

William Kir-Stimon father of Karen Rosen

Clarabelle Lake grandmother of Danny Greene

Laurence Lasky father of Monica Lasky

Gladys Libman grandmother of Bob Libman

Charlotte Mintz grandmother of Bob Libman

Elaine Morrison mother of Margie Morrison Zivin

Alicia Attias Murciano mother of Elias Murciano

Alex Okrent son of Michael Okrent

Sam Pinzur father of David Pinzur and Sue Rasher

David Schaeffer uncle of Heidi Levin

Sol Schechtman Father of Barbara Schechtman

J Donald Seeley father of Don Seeley

Efraim Siegel Father of David Siegel

Evelyn Strauss mother of Diane Turner

Harry Strauss Jr. father of Diane Turner

Jenny Teweles sister of Josh Teweles

Our deepest condolences to Matthew Cohen (Sabrina Deitch), Nathan and Andrew Cohen on the loss of their beloved father and grandfather , Philip Cohen, on July 15. May his memory be a blessing for us.


Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785