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Community Announcements September 21-27

09/16/2019 11:49:43 AM


Birthdays and Anniversaries

Birthdays:     Jane  Harris-Stapleton, Beverly  Stillwell, Lewis  Beazley, Avi  Amromin, Amia  Witenberg-Huber, Ella  Cutler, Brady  Cutler, Alice  Cutter, Jaclyn  McNelis, Nathan  Simon, Eli  Shearn, James  Sklar, Niquie  Dworkin-Cantor, Elliot  Frolichstein-Appel, Gwenan  Wilbur, Robert  Lange, Stuart  Chanen, Susan  Marks, Judy  Solomon, Nellie  Fishkin, Mia  Miller

Anniversaries:    Bruce and Laurel Watson

Refuah Sheleymah

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Ellen Alexander, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Suzanne Berkson, Steve Clarke, Leah Bass, Bonnie Chakravorty, Sara Cohn, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Annette Englehardt, Norman Ferber, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Barbara Harris, Scott Hillman, Nova Jackson, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Irv Kaplan, Kimberly Sukalski Klein, Pat Lane, Marcy Lange, Mark Malbone, Sherrie Mack, Susan Mogerman, Dave Morck, Karen Ophir,  Michael Oshins, Jackie Ginsburg Pangilinan,  Ann Schmidt, Michael Shapiro, Barbara Shaw, Michael Simon, Lou Sukalski, Martha Tonn, Edith Trilling, Eda Warren, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood, Jim Zeckhauser.

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.

Yahrzeits September 21-27

21-27 Elul 5779 

Harold Blechman uncle of Joel Blechman

Buena Cohen grandmother of Howard Cohen

Pinkus Ehrlich grandfather of Lisa Ehrlich-Menard

Solon Arthur Ellison father of Joe Ellison

Michael Frank brother of Helen Widen

Steven J. Hirsh brother of Carol Hirsh Blechman

Melvin Hurwitz father of Sara Cohn

Joel Ingel uncle of Ed Getz

Beatrice Israelite mother of Jerry Israelite, grandmother of Robert Israelite and Dan Israelite

Lois Lasky mother of Monica Lasky

Albert Levin father of Heidi Levin

Irving H Levy brother-in-law of Rhita Lippitz

Tom Mitchell father of Becky Mitchell

David Pepperberg husband of Audrey Eisenmann

Montez Rideout Perkins grandmother of Ann Kaplan-Perkins

Madeleine Rosenbaum aunt of Joe Eppstein

Sam Rubert father of Linda Cosby and  Bonnie Lucas

Eleanor C. Segall mother of Ralph Segall, grandmother of Andrew Segall

Eileen Young mother of Elliot Young

Miriam Zvolner mother of Stephen Zvolner


Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785