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Community Lists:  October 17, 2018

10/17/2018 04:11:31 PM


Birthdays and Anniversaries 
October 20-26

Jon Brooke, Kim and Scott Holstein, Henry Nutkevitch, Judy Cohen, Mark Stein, Florence Ferber, Beverly Friend, Sue Levinson, Wilma Nachsin, Diane Turner, Alan Wachs, Vivien Eisenberg, Bill Homer and Karen Kalmek, Luke Adams, Bill Hirsch, Joel Straus and Nancy Zwick, Bob Frech and Gail Katz-Frech, Heather Ross, Abby Harris-Ridker, Elise and Gregg Jaffe, Seth Hultgren, Jonathan Hauser, David Moreno-Hirsch, Micah Feller, Jeremiah Lobin Schwartz, Talia Scott, Hannah Tauber-Weiss, Bereket Mengistu, Reese Rappoport, Mila Rappoport, Miles Urlakis, Lily Uppenberg, Alexis and Gregg Levy    

Refuah Sheleymah

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Miriam Aharona Bas Masha Leiba, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Suzanne Berkson, Steve Clarke, Leah Bass, Bonnie Chakravorty, Missy Cohen, Sara Cohn, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Norman Ferber, Mimi Gilbert, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Barbara Harris, Nehemiah Hasak, Lisa Jameson, Carol Johnson, Gloria Kadlec, Kimberly Sukalski Klein, Pat Lane, Marsha Landau, Marcy Lange, Becky Lawrence, Ilene Lebovitz, Marshall Lobin, Mark Malbone, Susan Mogerman, Jose Angel Barrios Monzon, David Morck, Yeşim Öktem, Karen Ophir, Michael Oshins, Jackie Ginsburg Pangilinan, Marilyn Price, Henry Rosenblatt, Reuben Sanchez, Julie Schmidt, Leslie Schwartzman, Melvin Schwechter, Barbara Shaw, Kelly Sullivan, Lou Sukalski, Edith Trilling, Eda Warren, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.

October 20-26, 2018
11-17 Heshvan, 5779

Allan Cohen, father of Alisa Cohen-Stein
Libby Dolgin, mother of Sheila Meyer
Ralph Eiseman, father of Lisa Servedio
Ursula Fels, mother of Eva Eisenstein
Bessie Helzner, grandmother of Judith Helzner
Betty Kagan, mother of Carole Kagan
Carl Lee, father of Bob Lee
Lillian Leiner, mother-in-law of Ann Bashook Leiner
Ben Lipsitz, uncle of Heidi Levin
Edmund Mizel, father of Melissa Mizel
Adolph Nachman, father of Bob Nachman
Morriss Powitz, father of Charlene Gelber
Assenath "Ossie" Rasher, mother of Steve Rasher
Lillian Schein, mother of Judy Cohen
Edna Schmidt, mother of Ann Schmidt
Clementine Simon, great aunt of Darlene Grossman
Patricia Stenman, mother of Kathy Rose
Bernice Warren, mother of Eda Warren
Loyd "Ed" Wells, father of Loren Wells

It is with sadness that we note the recent passing of 
Herbert Rosing, father of Howard (Lisa Joy) Rosing, grandfather of Joah, Levi, and Asher Rosing 

Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785