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March 29, 2018

03/29/2018 03:43:06 PM


Birthdays and Anniversaries 
March 31 - April 6 

David and Julie Cutter, Adam Zletz, Dori Conn, Bruce Braverman, Leslie Rosen, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Nancy Delman, Norman Ferber, Julia Talbot, David Pinzur, Alvin Spector, Eda Warren, Michael Shapiro, Alyse Freilich and Andrew Schulkin, Lisa Meyerowitz, Lisa Goldman, Andy and Lisa Scott, Nina Lynn, Allison Chaplick, Jon Rosenblatt, Maria Rosen, Eliana Stern, Eleanor Martin, Jonah Gladstein, Sabine Kass, Matilda Schalet, Milo Joyce, Molly French

Refuah Sheleymah

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Miriam Aharona Bas Masha Leiba, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Robin Berger, Charlotte Bernsohn, Becky Block, Jillian Eve Bock, Bonnie Chakravorty, Stuart Chernoff, Danielle Naomi Cohen, Sara Cohn, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Anne Ettinger, Penny Goldin, Bruce Goldman, Martha Goldner, Aaron Goldsmith, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Barbara Harris, Steven Hirsh, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Brian Kozack, Pat Lane, Marsha Landau, Marcy Lange, Becky Lawrence, Ilene Lebovitz, Marshall Lobin, Mark Malbone, Michaela Marchi, Judy Mendelsberg, Marilyn Price, Reuben Sanchez, Julie Schmidt, Leslie Schwartzman, Melvin Schwechter, Matt Simonette, Jeany Soshnik, Dr. Pamela ShrockRaj Srinivas, Lou Sukalski, Eda Warren, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.

March 31 - April 6, 2018
15 Nisan - 21 Nisan 5778

David Brand, husband of Monica Brand
Mary Ehrlich, grandmother of Lisa Ehrlich-Menard
Marjorie Eppstein, mother of Joe Eppstein
Shana Erickson, daughter of Dan and Judy Solomon
Clara Luz Escobar, mother of Gonzalo Escobar
Irina Geinisman, friend of Lori Lippitz Chinitz
Jerome Gonzer, father of Harriet Conroe
Yetta Gratch, mother of Alan Gratch, grandmother of Joel Gratch
Harold Grossman, father of Michael Grossman
Gloria Hirsh, mother of Carol Hirsh-Blechman
Heidi Katz, sister of Rich Katz
John Kivlehan, friend of Kara Hendrickson
Leslie Lee, mother of Tina Escobar
Sally Lerner, grandmother of Elise Levin
Josh Locker, friend of Laura Weiss
Jeanne Margules, mother of Pam Margules Mark
Gussie Michaels-Lorange, mother of Beryl Michaels
Ruth Mindlin, grandmother of Liz Pleshette
Joseph Minsky, father of Larry Minsky
Lila Pinnow, mother of Pamela Young
Nathaniel Raskin, husband of Nina Raskin
Arnold Richman, father of Marsha Richman
Marcia Weiner, mother-in-law of Wendy Weiner
Russ Whitesel, father of Leah Whitesel
Althea Wilbur, mother of Gwenan Wilbur
Louise Winslow, grandmother of Rachel Seidman
Samuel Yates, grandfather of Alisha Vincent


Sun, October 6 2024 4 Tishrei 5785