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March 15, 2018

03/15/2018 03:40:29 PM


Birthdays and Anniversaries 
March 17 - March 23 

Ronna Baron, Mary Cohen, Ellen and Tom Kenemore, Elliot and Pamela Young, Samuel Dorevitch, Alisha Vincent, Joshua Vincent, Steven Holland & Sally Pallier, David Skora, Jesse Shufro-Zletz, Aaron Hellman, Ezekial Edwards-Mizel, Ariel Hasak-Lowy, Audrey Low, Lula Ray Garfield, Hannah Finkelstein, Max Foutz, Sky Uppenberg, Archer Joyce, Gabe Cohen, Khoi Jack Nguyen

Refuah Sheleymah

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Miriam Aharona Bas Masha Leiba, Ellen Alexander, Robin Berger, Charlotte Bernsohn, Becky Block, Jillian Eve Bock, Moey Dworkin-Cantor, Bonnie Chakravorty, Stuart Chernoff, Danielle Naomi Cohen, Sara Cohn, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Anne Ettinger, Penny Goldin, Bruce Goldman, Martha Goldner, Aaron Goldsmith, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Barbara Harris, Steven Hirsh, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Brian Kozack, Rick Kulp, Pat Lane, Marsha Landau, Marcy Lange, Becky Lawrence, Ilene Lebovitz, Marshall Lobin, Mark Malbone, Michaela Marchi, Judy Mendelsberg, Marilyn Price, Reuben Sanchez, Julie Schmidt, Leslie Schwartzman, Melvin Schwechter, Matt Simonette, Jeany Soshnik, Raj Srinivas, Lou Sukalski, Eda Warren, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood, Rivka Yeker 

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.

March 17 - March 23, 2018
1 Nisan - 7 Nisan 5778

Rebecca Miriam Bashook, mother of Ann Bashook Leiner
Helen Korman Braverman, mother of Bruce Braverman
Max Chaitkin, grandfather of Jake Chaitkin
Dale Cherry, husband of Susan Cherry
Anna Dintzis, mother of Gerry Salzman
Nancy Edwards, mother of Michael Edwards
Helen Eichengreen mother of Sallie Gratch, grandmother of Joel Gratch
Eileen Ellegant, mother of Howard Ellegant
Ruth Friedland, mother of Cantor Howard Friedland
Julian Goldberg, father of Larry Goldberg
David Grodek, uncle of Jorge Kurganoff
Jeannette Levin, mother of Heidi Levin
Lillian Levy, mother of Fred Levy, grandmother of Alissa Chung
Daniel Losik, brother-in-law of Debra Crestoni
Miriam Rubin Parker, daughter of Rebecca Rubin
Leon Resnick, father of Vickie Korey
Mirian Rubinson, grandmother of Ann Dolinko
Gertrude Smith, mother of Laurel Watson
Ben Zion Stern, brother of Marlene Stern
Bernard Wood, father of Larry Wood
Jocelyn Zivin, mother of Mark Zivin

Sun, October 6 2024 4 Tishrei 5785