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Community Announcements March 14-20 / 18 Adar - 24 Adar 5780

03/05/2020 04:07:25 PM


Birthdays and Anniversaries

Birthdays: Ronna Baron, Maya Chung, Cheryl Cohen, Deborah Drache, Alexander Frech, Gerald Gerdes, Yehuda Jacobi, Louie Lobin Schwartz, Audrey Low, Adeline Rosenblatt, Kathleen Samuels, Jesse Shufro-Zletz, Alisha Vincent

Anniversaries:  None this month

Refuah Sheleymah

Names in bold have been added in the past two weeks

Ellen Alexander, Leah bat Yonina u’Meir, Suzanne Berkson, Steve Clarke, Leah Bass, Bonnie Chakravorty, Sara Cohn, Bryna Cytrynbaum, Norman Ferber, Beverly Fisher, Don Goldstein, Robert Gotkin, Barbara Harris, Scott Hillman, Laura Holzinger, Lisa Jameson, Gloria Kadlec, Diane Kaiser, Jeffrey Kaiser, Irv Kaplan, Kimberly Sukalski Klein, Pat Lane, Marcy Lange, Mark Malbone, Sherrie Mack, Susan Mogerman, Dave Morck, Karen Ophir, Jackie Ginsburg Pangilinan, Marjorie Present, Jason Schmeig, Barbara Shaw, Lou Sukalski, Martha Tonn, Edith Trilling, Eda Warren, Sasha Wood, Emily Wood.

If you or another member need support, please contact JRC's Chesed Community.

Yahrzeits March 14-20/ 18-24 Adar 5780

Mildred Andrew  mother  of  Janie  Winkler

George Andrew  father  of  Janie  Winkler

Mildred Berkson  mother  of  Marcie  Weiss-Good and Jeff  Berkson, grandmother of Rabbi Rachel Weiss

William Conroe  father  of  Hank  Conroe

Victoria Lea Crestoni  sister  of  Debra  Crestoni

Giuseppe Alfredo Crestoni  brother  of  Debra  Crestoni

Clement Deitch  father  of  Ron  Deitch

Max Dolgin  stepfather  of  Sheila  Meyer

Marlo "Moey" Dworkin-Cantor  daughter  of  Niquie  and Phil Dworkin-Cantor, sister of Dasha and Arielle Dworkin-Cantor

Tom Ferguson  friend  of  Heidi  Levin

Bertha Forkosh  mother-in-law  of  Bonnie  Forkosh

Helen S. Forst  grandmother  of  Carol  Goldbaum

Anne Goldfine  mother  of  Howard  Goldfine,  grandmother  of  Deborah  Feingold-Fisher

Lindy M Goldstone  wife  of  Jim  Goldstone

Herbert Kaplan  father  of  Jane  Kaplan

David Kolodny  husband  of  Ruth  Kolodny , father  of  Joy  Kolodny

Abraham Kurganoff  son  of  Judy  Mendel and  Jorge  Kurganoff

David Levin  uncle  of  Pat  Lane

Molly Levin  aunt  of  Pat  Lane

Jeannette Levin  mother  of  Heidi  Levin

Samuel Okrent  father  of  Michael  Okrent

Darwin Price  father  of  Candice  Green

Evelyn Pritzman  mother  of  Marilyn  Leboy

Sam Pritzman  father  of  Marilyn  Leboy

Sidney Rosen  father  of  Paul  Cetera

Gertrude Rubert  mother  of  Bonnie  Lucas and Linda  Cosby

Idit Sherman  former wife  of  Warren  Sherman

Joseph Simon  father  of  Mike  Simon

Masha Sloutsky  mother  of  Pavel  Fishkin , grandmother  of  Julie  Amromin

F. Joseph Smith  father  of  Laurel  Watson

Tillie Sperling  grandmother  of  Becca  Sperling

Felix H. Waxman  father  of  Sandy  Waxman

Anita Weinberg  mother  of  Judy  Solomon

Marvin Weiss  father  of  Lou  Weiss, grandfather of Rabbi Rachel Weiss

Condolences to Lisa Scott on the loss of her beloved mother, Arlene Steinfeldt.

This week's Oneg is sponsored by Marcie Weiss, Jeff Berkson and Earl Berkson to honor the yahrzeit of their mother and grandmother, Mildred Berkson

Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785